Burn out

This is just a confession about what I feel. I know it's not healthy (read:good) to share about your feeling.But somehow I feel like,I just need to let someone know to.

end of november which means last month,I felt a lil bit down.so started from that,I feel burn out.

reason?probably because odl ( and of course there are another few more reason other than odl ). I hate odl.and I hate myself for taking so long to adapt with this new norm which is online-distance-learning (odl). there are a loooooot of work I am not kidding, too many work to be submitted.

my teacher said we feel this because we don't do our work earlier, instead we do it last minutes. so because of delay, we feel stress.

disclaimer, early of PKPP last month, I don't delay my work. I do my work on time. and I am quite impress with myself because I feel like I was too 'rajin'. that is so not me. but yah,  I don't delay my work.

yet, I still feel burn out. I hate how people (read:educator) make us feel that we don't deserve to feel burn out. because at the end of the day, we are still human. we have feeling. if you think that you can bear with your feeling, that is you-not us. everyone is different. 

can't we not normalize "eleh aku okay ja.buat teruk ja" haah let say aku buat teruk,so can you just simply leave? because honestly I don't give a damn about you,and I don't care about you.

I'm sorry for this write up. I just feel a lil bit sad...

I write this not because I am asking for your opinion.I just wanna let you know.

remember this blog tagline, "I ask for fries,not your opinion"


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