Kena sengat......

Actually i was thinking should I post this,or not. but lemme just write it here. the reason why i feel like I wanna write about this,is because this is my first time kena sengat tebuan and sebab aku terharu dengan layanan semua orang.

and my first time going to klinik kesihatan. yup,im 19 and this is my first time. I always read all those negative thing about gov clinic. I mean the way some of the health care worker treat the patient. But,I'm also know the fact that it might be a reason for that and perhaps they are too tired.or actually only the patient feel that way when the healthcare worker didnt mean it.we never know. nevermind,but im quite surprise when I when to that clinic,I'd say that all of them treat me nicely. from doctor,nurses,and the medical assistant too.

okay here is how the story begin.hari tu aku hidup macam biasa. aku bangun tidur dan sembang dengan mak aku pasal ada student kena sengat tebuan sebab sebelah kelas aku ada sarang tebuan sambil menunggu adik aku yang bersiap lambat nak mampus.

aku datang sekolah,time nak greet cikgu by saying 'Assalamualaikum',aku nak bangun aku pegang la meja. And boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sakit gila weh,i even cry. im such a cry baby,im so soft. so,because i have exam i mean BIG EXAM BCS IT IS MY FINAL EXAM,all the teachers say that I should go to clinic so i can get injection from proffesional as well as get the treatment.

aku tak takut jumpa doktor,aku tak takut untuk kena cucuk,aku okay plus aku suka pergi klinik,so I dont say anything and just go to the clinic although i was frustrated a bit,because aku skip kelas pecutan geografi terakhir sebelum exam. but nvm.

I told doctor,her name was dr.Asma,she was so kind and soft-spoken that make me feel wanna cry again because she was too nice. so i said to doctor that I'm going to have exam tomorrow,so how my hand are going to be?akan bengkak ke?akan sakit ke?

lucky enough,because i was brave enough to be honest with her,doctor decided to give higher dose.Based on  what i heard,dr.asma say it's better to give higher dose so that boleh lega dengan cepat. plus,she add on another one injection untuk tak bengkak (as well as painkiller). and doktor bagi,actually aku tak tahu untuk tak bengkak tu kena inject,bila doktor tanya nak ke,i said ''nak''. rupanya aku kena cucuk 3 kali siot betul.

merasa la duduk kat emergency department,i dont even know the reason why i need to wait there,don't judge. doctor asked me to go and wait at the emergency while waiting for someone to give injection. so,in the emergency department,it wasn't that hectic as i was expected it to be, but there are a few people with serious disease/illness compare to me. aku duduk kat situ,aku tengok kiri kanan aku tengah sesak nafas la,accident la. while me,kena sengat tebuan je. rasa malu pulak bila ingat yang aku siap nangis bagai

there was 1 lady nurse,and the other 3 was medical assistant. there was a doctor,but the doctor was busy with this one patient discussing about covid-19. i dont really hear what they were talking,but seems like that guys wanna do swab test kot,maybe.

so,there was only one lady or women there. I was pasrah enough and okay if i have no choice and end up with the MA. but,lucky enough,i felt so touch the nurse keeps saying ''tak apa. adik nabilah ni biar akak buat''. so that was the reason why i waited for so long. because that nurse was busy with other patient.

so,nurse dah banyak kali cakap, ''adik itu akak handle'',but there was this one MA,was insisted to give injection to me. i was wearing mask,so its impossible for him to see my skeptical-face. bcs seems like he is a new MA. but,he did great! i don't feel any pain at all.

tangan aku tak bengkak lansung.
sakit tu ada,but tak teruk.

lepastu,bila sampai sekolah semua orang cam caring. obviously,i was crying so they knew what happened to semua cam tanya okay ke,sakit tak,and a lot more ques. some of them tak bagi pun aku buat kerja sebab dorang cakap kesian kat tangan aku.

alhamdulillah,tak bengkak lansung. sakit tak ada. cuma aku memang lemah sikit bab injection ni,sebab,every time kena inject,mesti aku akan rasa nak demam. so struggle sikit.


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