Covid-19 Syawal

It is 19th may,2020. And it is 8:00 am. Im currently lying on my bed.

Btw,this is auto-post-entry that will publish on 24th May. On the 1st syawal.

Honestly,i don't feel excited for raya. Neither im in love with ramadhan. I also don't know.

When PM announced that we can raya,but with limited visitor which is 20 person at one time,and if possible only our family & relatives can be our visitor. And if possible, please don't accept visitor.

And people started to realize that this raya will be different compare to the previous one.

And you know what,for me the new raya is still the same as previous raya.

Usually,we don't go raya to people's house. It is because,for most of the time, people come to our house.

So,usually,it is either im it the kitchen,or i'll sleep after solat sunat Aidilfitri. That is how my raya is...

We don't really celebrate raya. Cukup sekadar mandi sunat hari hari,pakai baju baru, dan solat sunat. Thats it. We dont really go ziarah dari rumah ke rumah. And for me & my family, raya is only one day. Which is the first day of syawal.

And side note,i've never raya at kedah before. I meant,yah actually ada. But it was 12 years ago. Usually every raya we will go to our hometown which located at Perak & Penang,and usually we will celebrate Raya with our cousin & other relative as well.

So maybe this raya will be different because we have no cousin with us. This is what happened when you live too far away from your family. No im not complaining, just state the fact that we have no one here in Kedah!!!!!

Salam syawal,
It may be different,
But it still syawal anyway.

Syawal 2018


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