Nak jadi tua

Trial spm, exam english,kena jawab essay yang boleh pilih tu. Tak ingat la tu sec A or sec B.

So i choose this question: if you could be any age,what would it be and why

Hahahahahaha. So easy peasy lemon squeezy meh. So i choose that one. I guess i love to write so i got the highest mark in my class. *Riak je la,sebab dulu je bijak sikit,sekarang dah bodoh*

So. What age i wanna be? So i choose to be 35 years old. Hahahahahaha.

Some people will ask "why eh?"

Ha here is the reason.

I know, our childhood is the best one,but. I was thinking in that freaking exam hall that why not i twist that question and answer it as what i wanna do when i am old. Ha gittew.

Cliche gila,bayangkan 90% dari sapa yang jawab soalan tu jawab nak jadi budak balik.

For me,hello. Im not gonna be a kid. But i want to feel how adult is...

I mean sure,aku pun teringin nak jadi budak budak.

But,kita dah biasa jadi budak kecik. Tapi, kita belum tentu dan tahu sempat ke kita merasa jadi dewasa. Sebab entah entah kita mati,tak sempat rasa jadi tua.

What i wannna do when i am old?

I want to have a good job.

I want to balas jasa my parents.

I want to travel to the places that i've been aiming.

I want to get married. (Call me gatal or whatever,mengaku je la sapa je tak nak kahwin)

I want to have my own kids.

And a lot more. Aku tulis 2 pages and half. Hahahahah.
I think that was the best essay i have write.

Maybe this is how my face looks like when i am old. 
Or maybe uglier or maybe prettier. 
We never know. 
Life is so unpredictable.


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