Pengalaman gastrik

 So guys. Sorry for the boring topic to be discussed but since I am having gastric right now, I just feel like I wanna write something. 

If you follow this blog since early of last year, you will probably know about this. 

Recently, not really recent because it has happened since 2016 (tapi time tu tak teruk,start tahun lepas makin teruk).

Gastric is not only stomachaches, sometimes you feel nausea & chest pain. That is what I always feel. Nausea & chest pain all the time.

I think, I am having difficulty in taking my meals on time. Especially for lunch. 

Usually, my class will end at 3 @ 4 pm. No rehat at all. I mean ya we do have take 5, but what can we do with 5 minutes? Obviously cannot take a proper meal. 

Plus, i really don't know what is my teacher's problem. But they hate to tell us when we can back home. Every time we ask, they will scold us and say "berkira nak belajar. Balik la pukul berapa pun" when it is not our intention untuk berkira, we just wanna plan what to bring and what to eat so that we can be prepare.

Thank you for the extra extra classes because of them, i am having with bad gastric. When i say it's bad, it's really bad. 

Because doctor said that my gastric is really bad. Because i don't really feel stomachaches, oh i mean it's probably because I get used to it. So that doesn't really matter. But what matter the most is I am having difficulty to breath.

I always has chest pain. And it always comes with nausea. This both will make you live in terrible. It hurts. It hurts a lot! 

I am not complaining. I am just saying. 

I always have chest pain. All this while, doctor consulted me with all the heart disease when it is actually because of gastric. Sigh. 

When people say, bawa la bekal yang cukupnya. You know what, we don't have time for taking a proper meal. And if you are my classmate,then you'll probably know that i always bring a lot of food and junk food also. It's all because to avoid from gastric. 

Doktor cakap gastrik aku di peringkat yang teruk sebab tu dia attack salur pernafasan yang menyebabkan aku sakit dada susah nak bernafas dan rasa nak mati. 

The feeling is no kidding. Aku selalu mengucap siap siap, sebab SAKIT GILA BABENGG. 

Anyway, just a friendly reminder to all of you, please don't skip your meals. Always take a proper meal okay! 

If not, you will have gastric like me. So please, prevention is better than cure. 




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