Am i look that stupid?

Mesti pernah dengarkan orang cakap pasal orang yang berbahasa mandarin mempunyai kelebihan. Contoh boleh senang dapat kerja,boleh dapat diskaun kat kedai,boleh tau kalau orang kedai kutuk kita.

Somehow i feel like i want to learn mandarin too. I still remember this one counselor from smk ibrahim, and i was at kem kepimpinan when i was 12. He said "dalam masa akan datang,semua perlu berkemahiran at least 3 bahasa" i still remember his words.

Betul la,terbukti sekarang kalau dapat tengok memang kalau sapa pandai cakap banyak bahasa,orang suka. and sedikit sebanyak ianya sebenarnya kelebihan untuk diri sebab boleh senang dapat kerja .Which is cool & great.

Anyway. That is not the point.

Selalu aku baca orang cakap seller/worker kutuk melayu la sebab depa tau melayu tak tau mandarin. Pastu nanti depa terciduk bila tau melayu tau mandarin and answer them in mandarin.

In my case,they were not talking in mandarin,but they were talking in english. I've experience this for a couple of time. Kinda sick of this.

They were talking something bad in english just because they thought i cannot understand  what they were saying.

No matter what,if they know,or don't know these particular language,you have no right to insult or mocking people using that language.

Aku ingat time kat hospital the doctors were saying something bad about me, and i was just relax and keep on smiling. Yeah,because i don't really care with what they were saying. But somehow i feel like i want to interrupt their conversation lah. But of course im not. I just smiled. macam orang bodoh,orang tengah kutuk kau,tapi continue senyum cam biasa.

And then one  the doctor was trying so hard to translate everything and i answered his question in english and even helped him to translate the word that he don't know. And both (doctor) of them were looking at each other. I don't know why,terkejut,kot.


I don't know why you need to talk bad in front of that person. I mean,sure you can say it. But not in front of me. I don't have time to care about it. You don't need to point it out again,i already know. Giituuu.

This problem happened because u guys have this mentality that you think someone is stupid. someone dont know what you r saying just because you unfamiliar language.

This is not the first time about this. Usually,for most of the time,people always don't trust me. I mean they are very skeptical towards me.

I still remember when i was having group work. When i tried to do the work,i mean i need to do la,as i was a part of the team. So when i tried to do it,someone stopped me,and said she will do it later. You know how she stopped me? Dia buka semua benda yang aku dah pasang. Yang aku dah buat. Semua dia buka balik.

And this one particular friend came because my team called him to ask for help, and he did helped. But then before he left us,he said "kalau hampa tak tau apa apa,hampa tanya saffi. Dia berpengalaman kot. Dia tau banyak benda. Dia ex xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx"

Terpaksa sensored some part to not making it obvious.  And then all of them were looking at me back.

Of course im not gonna say anything. Takkan la kita pula nak cakap "eh bagi saya. Saya tau banyak benda tau"

Tu belum part selalu aku point out something, and then mesti akan ada yang cakap "hang tau mana?" "Hang yakinn ka? "Ya ya ja hang ni"

Ada lagi, belum part belajar dalam kelas. This one particular friend came and sit beside me. And dia tak paham apa cikgu ajar. So aku sebagai yang duduk sebelah dia,aku pun cam pergi ambik buku tunjuk cara pengiraan,explain. Tapi tengah aku explain,kawan lain datang and cakap "ish biar aku ajar dia" sambil padam semua explaination aku.

Atau,dalam kelas. Depa takkan pernah tanya soalan kat aku. Sebab depa tau aku bodo. So depa akan tanya manusia yang pandai. Tapi selalunya manusia manusia pandai ni akan kembali datang kat aku buat pengesahan jawapan. Hahahaha entah la. Susah. Aku tak cakap aku pandai,tapi terasa gak la kan. Tapi tak apa lah,seronok gak la buat kerja tanpa diganggu sapa sapa.

Banyak lagi la kalau nak cerita part orang underestimate aku.

Little did you know,benda tu sedikit sebanyak down kan aku kot. Aku dah la manusia yang tak berkeyakinan. Makin tak berkeyakinan aku dibuatnya.

Sebab sumpah down. Banyak kali orang anggap macam aku boooooooooooodoh sangat. Sedangkan kalau aku tahu aku bodoh,aku takkan offer diri buat kerja,offer diri ajar orang.

Aku pun sedar aku tak bijak sangat,tapi tak ada lah bodoh sangat kan.

Sekali sekala tak apa la kan. Tapi selalu sangat ni. Apa perlu aku rasa ni?

Sampai satu tahap,aku akan cam sedih gila. Kenapa la orang layan cenni kan. Sampai aku selalu cakap,kalau orang lain nak nampak cantik,aku nak nampak bijak. Sebab orang selalu layan aku macam aku bodoh sangat.

Anyway, okay la. Slowly i will get used to it.

Here i put a picture of me,nampak bijak sikit.



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