3D jelly

Baking & cooking memang minat aku since i was a kid.

But my foods is not as delicious as what you expected. Biasa je pon.

I have no idea.but that is the true.

Simple choc moist cake pon orang puji melambung (because its free -_-)


This year.i tried something new.i never think that i can make it. But yes.i did it.

3D art jelly or what ever you called it.

I've been looking for the tools for quiet some times.

Habis satu family kena paksa ikut and cari.

At first,i went to bakery to buy it. And the price is Rm40++ so i was shocked. Obviously.and since im not a professional and afraid if it is not worth,so i didnt buy it. But still,aku survey la. Kat mr.Diy. The price is rm15 something.and the quality is quiet good.

So,i decided to ask my dad and others siblings too to accompany me to find it. Merata cari.tak jumpa.

Pastu macam stop la kejap niat nak buat.
Tetiba saffa call.
She is staying at the hostel btw.
And telling me my mak andak bought me that tools.
Couldnt ask for me.
Surrounding myself with people that understand me.
Im so grateful for that.

So.dah beli barang pon,still tak buat buat.

Then aku pon buat.
First,kena main dengan kaler.mashallah sisturrrr.
Saya ni seni failedddddd.
Tak pandai.
Pastu nak buat bunga.
Lagi sekali.
Saya failed.
But i tried.

Here is the result.

Ni first jelly yg aku buat.satu adunan dapat dua.memang kena pandai main dengan colour.see,kusam ja warna dia. Tapi,dalam kamera ja.in real life the colour was still okay.terang.cuma entah.due to brightness i guess.

Ni puding kedua.ah puding ka jelly ka.lantak la.

Aku main dengan colour terang sikit. Baru la naik seri bunga tu.
Sumpah.waktu buat ni.
I was so excited.
Macam tak sangka.
Berseni juga akuuuu nii

Ni close up sikit.tak kemas lagi. Maklum la first time try. But still, i am so proud of myself.kahkahkah over kan.

All the hardworks finally paid off. Tangan aku melecur teruk actually waktu buat benda ni. Banyak betul dugaan kalau aku nak cerita pon. Biar la simpan untuk aku. 


Some of my friends ask me to make this again.
Im okay with that.

But kinda afraid if you guys will not like it.
Because the taste is not that good.
But not because of the recipe or me.
But memang taste macam tu.
Sebab aku tanya orang yang terer.
Depa kata puding ni memang tak sedap.
Rupa ja cantik.

So i guess. Buat benda lain lagi better.

Nampak sangat
Hampa judge dari luaran.


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