happy patient

Aku pergi dental hospital which the dentist are actually not a dentist yet because they are dental student.

So,okay la kan. 

Aku tak nervous,doctor yang nervous tangan dia getar teruk hahahahahha. Nervous kot. Aku tak ada la tegur,kang dia lagi malu. So aku buat tak tau je. Aku nak juga cakap "doktor relaks la",tapi diam je la. 

There are a lot of procedure before they can actually check your teeth. Serious it tooks more than 1 hour before the dentist can actually check your teeth.

So one of the procedure is to ask about how many time do i brush my teeth,how many time i mouth wash my mouth and how frequent i floss my teeth. All that kind of basic thing about how we take care of our teeth. 

Basically,benda macam tu la. 

So doktor tanya,adakah aku berus gigi atas bawah atau kiri kanan. Kalau kau paham,then paham.

Aku blurr jap. 

Aku cakap la aku berus gigi atas bawah yang 45' degree tu la. Kenapa? (Ha gitu respond aku,siap aku tanya kenapa)

Then both dentist (ada dua dentist time tu) terkejut tengok aku. 

One of them say "she is so advance. She even knows the degree" 

And the other one reply "she have moderate knowledge. She knows" 

I just smiled happily. Of course i am. 

Plus,that is basic thing that everyone should know. So tak ada istilah aku advance. 

So dentist tanya 
"how you know about that? Ada doktor bagi ceramah ke?ke macam mana?"

"Youtube" i answered proudly.

Hahahaha. Honestly youtube helps me a lot. I mean not only youtube, facebook,twitter, and instagram also. 

Aku ada follow few dentist just because i want to learn something from them.

So from that aku boleh tau serba sedikit dan juga aku boleh cakap pasal dental terms (SOME OF IT ONLY) with them. 

That is why they are surprised. Sebab aku boleh explain in details about my previous dental history and what did i do at the previous clinic. 

In fact,ada satu soalan tu, doktor tak tau translate. Padahal tu dental terms tau. Aku translate untuk doktor. And aku translatekan dan aku jawab soalan dia tu. 

And dentist terkejut lagi. So dia cakap "sorry ah" sebab dia lambat translate and dia ingat aku tak tau,sekali aku tukang translate dan jawab dengan relaks.

But anyway.

Im so proud. 
Cannot stop smiling. 

Last time jumpa dentist at the previous dental clinic,dentist puji gigi aku okay. Tampalan tak terjejas lansung. Aku jaga gigi okay 

Lagi la sis kembang yalllllllll.
Im a happy patient 😁😁


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