5 Sains 2

Assalamualaikum.Hi. So today's entry is specially for my wonderful classmate.

let me tell you the truth,i never expect that i can be a part of this 5 science 2. after i got my pt3 result,i wasn't sad. I felt happy. but kinda worried

since that time we didn't know what class will we get into. so,i didnt expect that my name will be in that class. i was quite shocked actually.

i dont even have an interest in science stream actually.plus i wasn't know about what i want in this life. i have asked my teacher if i can change my class,but she said no. since class that i wanted was full and a bit crowded. sad?? of course.

Aku dapat panggilan ke sebuah sekolah lain actually and aku memang target sekolah tu lama dah. Bila dapat aku memang seronok and happy.

tapi waktu tu,aku sendiri pon tak pasti.kenapa aku pilih untuk stay. and actually aku ambil masa seminggu untuk bagi final answer kat ayah aku.sebab of course ayah aku nak apply cuti nak hantar and register aku.

lepas doa and minta petunjuk (cliche), aku pon cakap aku nak stay,and to be honest, sometime i do ask myself and regret why did i choose to stay?

i dont know.

aku tak faham juga,and ambil masa nak adapt dengan suasana kelas ini yang sumpah bising macam zoo,macam budak sawan semua,semua masuk air. But sebenarnya depa okay baik hati,peramah, okay ja.

aku pon kadang confused,ni betul ka high school student? awat semua perangai tak behave?

tapi tu la,dalam tak suka pun aku terpaksa suka dengan environment tu. Dan tersuka dengan sendirinya duduk dalam kelas tu.

akuu tak tau,tapi most probably aku akan rindu bisingnya kelas kita tu. 

2018 is going to end very soon. so meaning that after this,there is no more 5 science-zoo 2 ni.

ya,memang aku selalu marah depa.sebab aku tak paham dengan depa ni.riuh bising gelak happy macam tak ada lansung masalah.

And it doesnt doesnt mean that i hate them. I just took a really long time to adapt with the environment and situation. 

I love every single memories that we have created. 

I love my classmate and cant wait to leave them LOL 😜😝

No matter what,dapat classmate macam depa juga satu rezeki buat aku. Sebab aku terhibur sentiasa.

Nama kelas banyak kali gak naik kat bilik guru. Banyak benda gila kita buat sama sama.

 so this pic was taken last week. waktu jawab first paper,bahasa melayu. and of course bukan aku yang tangkap gambar,ketua pengawas yang tangkap gambar.

ni la semua ahli ahli geng kelas aku ni.tapi tak semua 1/3 only.

as requested from the boys,they asked me to put this pic (-_-)

and ada gambar lain but tak boleh upload kat sini.

ni waktu jamuan kelas di blackwood coffee & chocolate

bagus eh semua behave


ni time raya

so,a few month ago,aku ada minta dan paksa kawan kawan aku tolong buat video ni. 


sorry video biasa biasa ja since this is my first time edit video.


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