2018 has been a really tough year.
I learnt so many things.

When people say something about me,

First of all,im so sorry for being too emotional.
I dont know why.
I've changed.
My heart is so sensitive.
No,its not your fault.
It just me.
Who are so complicated.
My heart is so soft.

I just wanna say something.

Eventho i looks like this,
Brutal-clumsy-messy-specky girl
But trust me

Im an ordinary girl.
Like other people
I am human being too.

There is the time when i feel so happy,
So blissful,
Then suddenly,feel gloomy,

I just dont know.
When someone said that im like a crazy girl.

Im sorry girl. But,trust me.
You dont even know what i've go through.
How struggle i am with my life.

Wanna say,
That i hate my life.
And freaking hate it.
But i have no choice.
I need to moving on.
And learn how to accept myself.

If you dont like me,
Its fine.totally fine.
Because i do hate myself too.

Im not blaming anyone,
But it just me.
Who are so complicated.

But girl,you should know.
There is the time,
When you need to remain silent.
You can say anything you want.
But not everything.
Im not asking everyone to understand me.
But i only asked you,to shut your mouth.

Eleh macam hang sorang ada masalah.

Yup. I know. Everyone have their own problems and everyone is struggle with their own life.

But little did you know,

Im tired to please everyone.

To do what people want me to do.

"Then stop doing it."


I stopped.


Have a nice day.


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