Red velvet cake and teacher's day

Last year,i planned something for my friend's birthday. Her birthday is on teacher's day,16 may. But,sadly when everything was ready, i mean all the foods and friends were there.she wasn't. I feel bad for that.

So this year.i secretly made a birthday cake for know everytime im baking,i'll update on my socmed.its either whatsapp status or on my ig story. So i used my ig story instead of whatsapp. Because she told me she uninstall ig. Hahahahahhahahah. So i made two red velvet cakes. One for my friend.n one for my family.

I dunno. Since i started to know how to bake,im so lazy to make red velvet cake. N i don't even know just so lazy to do it. N RVC is not that hard to make,but idk it just me that lazy.

So to make it still classy,i will make red velvet once a year. I just realized it actually. Idk why,but my friends said that my RVC is the best 😂 plus there is some people out there who asked me about the recipe.

To be very honest,i don't even go to the class or study about bakery or culinary bla bla etc. But all i do is everytime i make rvc,it is different i'll give them my recipe.but i told them.there is nothing special.i just google-ed it.

My advice is,try and need to try.and it takes some time. Seriously.

N some recipe,mungkin tak kena dengan tekak you need to find a new one.

Bukan hari ni baking,esok dah terer.tak.

Aku start baking dari darjah 5 till now im 17 y/o.
But still.
There is a lot of thing,yang aku buat tapi masih failed.
So,please.dont give up.

I'll update the recipe soon.
Let see kalau rajin or kalau aku malas.

Oh kalau yang tak dapat tahun ni,maksudnya
Sila masuk dalam waiting list untuk tahun depan punya.

Kalau ada,maksudnya aku rajin sikit.
Kalau takda,petanda aku malas ya rabbi.


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