Orientation camp

Assalamualaikum n hi everyone.how are guys doing?

Last week i joined a camp with my junior which is orientation camp for scout. I helped my teacher so kinda like a secretariat (?) I think. Not being a participant camp

So it was a nice camp but sadly,its rainy so we cant continue the activities.student should sleep in tent but hujan lebat sangat and angin kencang membawa ku jauh ke sana kau hilang. Lel
So the teachers decided to let the student sleep in surau .

Lepas habis aktiviti malam,depa semua mai kat tempat masak untuk minta air panas sebab nak makan maggi.its not fair..ramai gila and that time we had a disscusion no its actually a meeting but its more to disscusion.i was so so sleepy and cant even control it.we end at 2.24 a.m. after solat isyak me and adhira terus tidur bcs tmr morning we need to cook for breakfast.

So tomorrow morning,we are late.i woke up at 6.45 a.m. and straightly wake adhira up bcs we re totally late.then i go to the toilet to wash my face and brush my teeth.and then kejut adik adik yang lain. Semua terkejut sebab dah lewat.

Then cikgu dah siap masak.cikgu kata kami lambat sangat lel .

I really enjoy the camp,even i just a secretariat but it is a good camp.i can used the knowledge that i learn from the camp

I also cant forget this camp since 'ada gangguan' allahu.biar allah ja yang tahu lah kan.

So here is some pic

So this is our menu for dinner

Tu student diajar buat tempat letak barang sendiri,masak sendiri untuk makan

Kena nyalakan api sendiri kalau tak habis la kebuluran

Ni diajar buat layout 

Ni diajar lapor diri 

So banyak lagi,tapi takleh pegang fon sangat.so thats all . Good bye 


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